~ J. Paul Getty

Have you achieved your desired level of success? If not, there may be some wisdom to the term "fake it 'till you make it"
Successful people wake up each morning planning for success, work towards success through the day, reflect on that success in the evening, and then plan for the next days success.
Although not every successful person lives exactly the same as the last there are some strong similarities in how they work for their success.
1. Successful people get out of bed each morning ready to accomplish something. It's easier to stay in bed for a couple of rounds of snooze button smash but getting up with a positive and determined attitude will go far in making you a success. That ten minutes you just wasted could have been spent sending emails or marketing your business on a forum.

3. Successful people expect more of themselves. Every day brings new challenges and possibilities. Successful people embrace them and face them head on. Are you happy with your home business only supplementing your 9-5 job? If you want more you can't be content with mediocrity.

4. Successful people exercise. They move, they get fit, they understand you have to feel good and look good to succeed. Exercise boosts brain power, puts you in a better mood and makes you look great. Plus you can meet a new group of prospects at the gym or running in the park.

6. Successful people compliment others. They realize that they didn't get to where they are without help. They appreciate and acknowledge that help. In turn they will value and nurture others. James D. Miles famously said: "You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him." A successful person knows that there is potential gain everywhere and from everyone.

9. Successful people expect more of you. Successful people have a difficult time understanding mediocrity, even more difficulty understanding why others settle for it. Surround yourself with achievers and you when you are feeling low they will lift you up.

10. Successful people make the effort and sacrifice to get what they want. It's easy to dream but much harder to give up the two hours of TV each night or sleeping ten extra minutes. Starting your own home business can be the most difficult and rewarding challenge you ever face (next to raising children) Be ready to sacrifice your time, your money, your comfort to make your vision a reality.
Your dreams of success ARE achievable with hard work and dedication. There is no such thing as 'get rich quick'. There are no 'secrets to make you fabulously wealthy'. It's all common sense, hard work, and the ironclad will to succeed.
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